All Submissions Details

Obscure Chaos Zine  
All Submitted Informtaion 

& Full  Details
News -  Music Submissions  - Show Reviews - Interview Requests

If you would like to submit any information for coverage in Obscure Chaos Zine, please make it easy on us to know what you’re asking of us by following the guidelines below and submitting to the proper email Thank you! 

News Section 
(Press Releases):

What’s going on with your label - band -radio station - zine  – did you just get signed, going out on tour, performing at a big charity fundraiser, in the studio, finishing up an album, looking for a new member, have a new video, new website, new zine coming out, have a special guest on your station? We want to know about it!  

Make the subject line of the email in "Massive News" type format (example: OCZ In The Working Process!). Send to:

 Music Submissions & Accepted Formats 

At Obscure Chaos Zine, we are exultant to check out old and new releases from rock, metal, hardcore, and punk bands from the underground to major.  We don’t have time go searching all over the internet for your songs and we won’t.

1. If you are sending us a physical promo, please send your material to the following address:

Mario Rienzo
C/O Obscure Chaos Zine/Clawmark
1811 Grove Street, Apt 2R,
Ridgewood, NY 11385
Attn: Album Reviews

2. If you are sending us a digital copy of the album, please mail a download link to 

Please make the subject line of the email contains Band Name, Name of new Album/EP & Drop date 


Please note that we only accept the following formats, and album reviews take the following order of priority:
1. Physical CDs, Vinyl, Cassettes, EP
2. Digital without audio voiceover watermark
3. Digital promos with audio voiceover watermark (not reviewed)

Please include the following in the all promotional packages that are sent to us to aid us in reviewing your release:
1. Full album if mp3 format, please attach ALL of the songs with titles.
2. High resolution album artwork
3. High resolution band logo
4. High resolution band photo
5. Band bio
6. Album release info sheet 
(Artist name, Album name, release date, label name, genre, location, members, Formats of the Release (CD, vinyl, etc), Dealer Price)
7. Websites
8. Contact Information - Label Contacts and/or Distributor/Band Contacts

Live Show Reviews:

Are you planning an event, concert, gig, festival, art show, etc.? Have our respected, experienced reviewers, attend your event and publish a review for the world to see, without any concern that you won’t be covered.

In these economic and chaotic changes, when bands and arts sections are being reduced and local and singed show coverage is being eliminated lately in certain areas, Obscure Chaos Zine is filling in the fissure, we are still trying to make sure you get observed, exposure and noticed.

One of our renowned reviewers will attend your concert, festival, gig, or event, and publish a thoroughly professional, objective, constructive, and informative review. Now that our zine is going online, it will be our focus to make our coverage almost instantly available to our readers, band pages, management, labels, public relations representatives, clubs, promoters, others artists and fans worldwide.

In addition, our reviewers are also musicians, promoters, managers, record label owners and fans themselves, adding more depth and comprehension to the elements on your performance bringing you the best review they can to also add to your press-kits.

As much as we enjoy a great event, gig, concert, festival, art show etc., there is only so much time and we are scattered far and wide across the U.S. and beyond other parts of the globe.  Timing is everything, we need at least one - two month in advance notice to make full arrangements in regards to press and photo passes. 

Make the subject line of the email in "Come See Us Live" 
Send to:

Submissions for interviews

Please make sure that you've read the “All Submitted Information Must Include” section twice then send all of it along with a reason why we should consider interviewing YOU or YOUR BAND and give you coverage in RR on our website, digital or print magazine!

Make the subject line of the email in "Interview" 
 Send to: 

Here are some details:

We are sorry but we will not review your promos or albums off of YouTube, ReverbNation or Bandcamp at this time. We honestly don’t have time go searching all over the internet for your songs and we won’t.

Due to the ongoing, constantly growing flood promo, interview request coming through our metal gates, it is often time-consuming and organizational reasons not possible to discuss your CDs, email your interview (takes time to do research for questions) and editing. We ask you to wait a few weeks before you do a follow up - if your reviews and interview are online; we will contact you and send you to the document links.

Obscure Chaos Zine will not sell, pirate, license, reproduce, uploaded it on free sites or use your music for any other purpose except for the purpose of our reviewer to listen to your music and write their honest review.

Obscure Chaos Zine will only share it with staff writers who are interested in that style of music so they may listen and review/critique your album.

Obscure Chaos Zine will use your band/artist name, album cover, band picture, band logo, websites address, and band information, to include in our review or interview.

Obscure Chaos Zine will does not retain any rights to your music, album cover-art, or band-name. 

You must be an authorized representative of the music/files you send and the artist/band represented.

Obscure Chaos Zine will does not retain any rights to your music, album cover-art, or band-name. 

The opinions expressed on our website do not necessarily reflect the views on Obscure Chaos Zine and it’s staff.

Now, we can’t guarantee that you'll find it the best review, but expect nothing but honest reviews. Bands that cannot take criticisms should not send their releases for review, and reviews will not be edited other than for factual errors (e.g. lineup, misspellings etc.).

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